Nava Gates Review

In this review, we will describe why your funds are not safe with Nava Gates.

Scammed By Nava Gates ? Start the process to get your funds back TODAY !

Is Nava Gates Legit ?

Nava Gates is an offshore broker owned by Share Oracle LTD. This broker is located in The Commonwealth of Dominica, a popular offshore zone. Problem with offshore brokers is that they are not reliable and abuse the regulations. Make sure to stay away from this broker as they are anonymous and that they can disappear any time without notice.

To make sure you are dealing with a regulated and known broker, you should be able to find easily who is the CEO of this brokerage firm, who is running it etc. Lack of information is a big red flag since you don’t know who will be dealing with YOUR MONEY. This is the reason why your funds are not safe with Nava Gates.

Are Funds Safe with Nava Gates ?

With such lack of information and Nava Gates being offshore, funds are not safe. Security of funds is a huge problem with offshore brokers. A red flag that we noticed is Nava Gates is withholding vital information to users.

Nava Gates could go bankrupt from one day to another since there are no banking information about this broker.

High Success Rate – Transparency & Integrity –

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Nava Gates Review: our Conclusion!

Nava Gates is an offshore broker. If you have been scammed, check out our ChargeBack process here or get a Free Consultation by a team of expert by clicking here.

Nava Gates Scam Review
  • Website URL :
  • Type of Scam : Offshore Broker
  • The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) blacklisted Nava Gates

Have You Been Scammed By Nava Gates ?

Nava Gates is an offshore broker, your funds are not safe. If you have been scammed, check out our ChargeBack process here or get a Free Consultation by a team of expert by clicking here.

7 thoughts on “Nava Gates Review”

  1. I did show some interest a month or so ago. I decided it was not for my wife and I (late 70’s)
    Since then I have received numerous phone calls and even though I made it plain I was not interested I have continued to receive calls. To day, up to 1.45pm there has been up to 10 phone calls, all from different numbers but all with International on the phone screen.
    This is harrassment and I am going to try and get BT to help.

  2. Zostałem oszukany na kwotę ponad 20 tys. USD.
    Niejaki Patrik Woźniak oraz Anton Frolov to osoby, z którymi miałem kontakt. Patrik Woźniak sprawiał wrażenie bardzo wiarygodnej osoby. Sprawdzałem, czy działa ich system wypłat. Dwa razy wypłacałem pieniądze w kwotach około 200 USD oraz 2 tys. USD. Anton Florov oszukał mnie obiecujac, że nie będziemy przeprowadzać transakcji na Forex. Powiedział, że będziemy inwestować tylko w akcje Amazon. Ale pewnego dnia, gdy nie wpłaciłem im kwoty, której się domagał, bez mojej zgody uruchomił transakcje na Forex, na których straciłem prawie wszystkie zarobione wcześniej przeze mnie pieniądze. Teraz Patrik Woźniak cały czas domaga się, abym wpłacił im 15 tys. USD jako rekompensatę za zamknięte na minusie transakcje. Absurd polega na tym, że nie chcą mi wypłacić mojego depozytu pomimo tego, że upoważniłem ich do pobrania tych 15 tys. USD z mojego zysku. Cały czas domagają się wpłaty. Teraz wiem, że to są OSZUŚCI i zgłosiłem sprawę na policję oraz do innych służb specjalnych. Mam nadzieję, że niedługo namierzą tych oszustów, odzyskam swoje pieniądze i pociągną tych oszustów do odpowiedzialności karnej.
    I was cheated on the amount of over 20,000. USD.
    A certain Patrik Woźniak and Anton Frolov are people with whom I had contact. Patrik Woźniak gave the impression of a very reliable person. I checked that their payout system was working. I have withdrawn money twice in the amount of around $ 200 and 2,000. USD. Anton Florov deceived me by promising not to trade Forex. He said, we will only invest in Amazon stocks. But one day, when I didn’t pay them the amount they demanded, he launched Forex trades without my consent, on which I lost almost all the money I had earned before. Now Patrik Woźniak is constantly demanding that I pay them 15,000. USD as compensation for negative closed transactions. The absurdity is that they don’t want to pay me my deposit even though I have authorized them to take the 15,000. USD from my profit. They are demanding payment all the time. Now I know they are SCAMMERS and I have reported the matter in details to the police and other special services. Hopefully they will track down these scammers soon, get my money back and bring these scammers to justice.

  3. UWAGA na tych oszustow nie bede sie rozpisywal to sa zlodzieje stracilem 32000 usd .zastanow sie kiedy podejmiesz decyzje wspolpracy z Nava Gates jestes skazany na utrate calego kapitalu pozdrawiam

  4. i nearly got scammed by Nava Gates by acting on a fake Forbes review about Yuan Pay Group and the launch of an ‘official Chinese Cryptocurrency. After clicking on the ‘Invest Now’ button on YPG’s site I was re-directed to Nava Gates page. Immediately after I input my phone number, I received a call from ‘George’ in ‘Switzerland’. Later in the conversation, when I began to suspect a scam, and checked their reviews, he then claimed to be in the Dominican Republic. He tried to dismiss the reviews as ‘normal’ tactics used by other Traders to discredit each other. I put the phone down saying I’d be checking them out further, so we’ll see how persistent they are. I won’t be answering any calls I don’t recognise.
    So, even the Chinese crypto currency doesn’t exist either, when In checked into it further.

  5. Ruscy oszuści, którzy dla polskich klientów podają się za: Patrik Woźniak, Anton Frolov, Marcin Ostrowski, Mark Urba. Wszyscy mówią z ruskim akcentem. Schemat zawsze ten sam: wpłacasz, ale nie możesz wypłacić niby zarobionych pieniędzy ani nawet depozytu. Należy jak najszybsciej zgłaszać Navagates na policję i do wszystkich służb specjalnych. ———————————————————————– Russian scammers who claim to be: Patrik Woźniak, Anton Frolov, Marcin Ostrowski, Mark Urba for Polish customers. They all speak with a Russian accent. The scheme is always the same: you deposit, but you cannot withdraw the supposedly earned money or even the deposit. Report Navagates to the police and all secret services as soon as possible

  6. No ja również zostałem oszukany i to 2 raz Patrick Wozniakw lipcu 2020 byl pierwszym brokerem suma 4700usd i potem zadzwonił Troy sierpien 2021 który zaoferował zwrot środków po przez lustrzana transakcje

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